I’m a Star… Or at Least in One!

Not sure if having an article written about you in a community newspaper makes you a star, but this week a few friends and colleagues were surprised to open the “Orleans Star,” look at a picture and say, “Hey, I know that guy! That’s Craig Senior!”

This is my first hometown article. I had a few speaker-from-away articles, but none at home. The well-written article by reporter Laura Cummings describes my winning the Toastmasters District 61 Table Topics Contest for the fourth time, a how I got into public speaking, and what I hope to do with it. After covering the basic story, the interview turned into another form of Table Topics:

  • How has public speaking helped you?
  • How can it help others?
  • What are your top tips for public speaking?

To find out my answers you will have to read… oops, my phone is ringing. Could be a prospect looking for a presentation! Just a sec… I’ll be right back…


“Hello, My Name is C-C-C-Craig”


Let’s go back, back to your early teen years, maybe 13, 14 or 15 which are, in fact, your early teen years.  Do you remember the first time you fell in love?  When you saw the most beautiful girl or guy walk past you in school.  Music seemed to play from the walls as they walked by in slow motion.  Ah, total bliss.  You desperately summoned the courage to say, “Hi.”  You walked up bravely, ready to deliver eloquent words of introduction, but instead you stammered, stuttered and stumbled over your words.  Perhaps you dribbled, spit or sprayed on them.  Perhaps you fled in silence into the fantasy world of distant adoration.  With each failed attempt to communicate, you felt yourself growing smaller and smaller. 


If you remember the kind of nervousness you felt with your first romance (and for some of you that was just last week) then you understand what it feels like for those of us who stutter.  Even the simple act of answering the phone can create such fear that when the phone rang I would suggest, “That must be for you.  You answer it.”  Worse, the phone rang and I was alone… [ring] alone… [ring] just the phone and me [ring] alone. (more…)